Hey all, I am new to this website. I have started a new website entirley for recruiters that are frustrated with the norm. The site is designed by a recruiter who was tired of the cold calls, resume collection sites, and having to wait for other recruiters to email me their needs and keep them updated. I have developed a site that you can join, a one time fee, that you can post your jobs, post confidential candidates, search candidates, search other recruiters and recieve already filled out screens.

I read many of you posts and your frustrations are mine as well. I am trying to gage the level of interest from all. There are no hidden fee's, one time membership/year, then you can make split placements and keep your money. On eplacement, and you fee is more than paid for.

If you are interested in hearing more, please contact me

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Saw your post and I'm interested in hearing more.



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