We are actively looking for independent recruiters who either:

1.  Have job orders they can't fill themselves (and are open to a split fee) or

2.  Have bandwidth to recruit on some of the job orders we already have.

We've made the process seamless in that you can log on and either review the job directory if you want to recruit.. or simply post your job order for others to recruit.

All processing, payments, etc is done completely online.

If interested please visit http://www.crowdrecruiting.com

or contact me directly.

Views: 928

Replies to This Discussion


I just joined Recruiting Blogs, and read your post.  I'm curious how this model works for you?  I've heard discussions of similar models, and was contacted by an individual over the summer with a similar opportunity.  Curious as to how this has been, and - if you worked for an agency, corporate. etc - what you feel the benefits, and even down-sides may be.


Mike Ruane, MSS

Hi Mike,

As the founder of Crowd Recruiting, I've owned two agencies and a job board so finding balance between job orders and recruiters has always been a challenge.  At the end of the day, sites like ours are market places, with buyers and sellers except our buyers are recruiters and our sellers are those with job orders willing to pay a fee. 

Like any marketplace, you need to have ample supply and demand.  ie., in this case, you need lots of job orders and lots of recruiters, which we at Crowd Recruiting have.  With that you essentially can hire recruiters on demand for a contingency fee, often 75% lower than what you would pay anywhere else.  Why?  Because freelance recruiters don't come with all of the overhead costs that agencies do.

I would recommend taking a look at https://www.crowdrecruiting.com/features.html  

On the right there are links to explain more of the benefits if you are an Independent Recruiter, from an Agency, part of HR, etc.   Check it out and feel free to reach out to us as well.

Mike Achilles,

Founder, Crowd Recruiting


Thanks for your prompt reply to this.  It's an interesting concept, and while I'm not an independent recruiter, this now seems to be something I'm hearing more about (the 'crowd sourcing/ recruiting' concept).

I'll take a look at the link you provided as I'm sure this will also help answer any other questions.  Best of luck to you, and thanks again for the info.

Mike Ruane



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