I am fairly new to Linked in and just started a recruiting job last month, so I'd like to capitalize on this great networking tool to find potential candidates. My question is: is there a way I can search on not only my own connections, but collectively, all those connected to my connections (all 3 degrees essentially). I thought there would be a way to do this but can't figure it out. Any help would be great!

Ariana Adams

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I am not sure if someone has responded to you or not but I'll see what I can do to help you. To search on others connections you can go to the people link at the top of your profile. When you do a search it should bring up all of the people you are connected with through other peoples connections. To the side of the name it should say to what degree you are connected to them with. First degree are people you are connected with. 2nd degree people are connections of connections and so on...There is a way to sort by degree when you do the search. I am forgetting where exactly you can specify that. Hopefully that answers your question!

I'll be glad to share my (small) network. ;-)
I hope I can be of a (little) help to you on Linked-In
Please add me as a contact in http://www.linkedin.com/in/ineedconsulting
and I will accept.

Best regards!

Sebastian Corradini
Pretty much what Josh said. I would avoid trying to just look through each contacts connections, especially when they have lots of connections, it will just be a waste of time, because most of the people will not be what you are looking for. Just do you key word search, and once plugged in then hit "refine search" and you sort ppl by degrees of separation. If you have lots of results, then add more key words or location requirements, to narrow that search.

Google will allow you to search all connections... place this in google and see the results :)... it will search all 20 million connections instead of just your network.

site:linkedin.com -directory "keywords" AND "keywords" AND "geographic location exactly as linkedin phrases it"
I meant to say ... all members not all connections... I'm multitasking again
Great thanks!



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