I'm annoyed. For the past week, I go to LinkedIn and see these huge blue happy, smiling people employment banners (one on the side and one at the bottom) from a Big-4 Firm.

Do you get the sense that alot of people on LinkedIn are getting a bit tired of being bombarded by Recruiters, especially those who are overly aggressive or don't know how to make an appropriate approach? So now LinkedIn users get these huge banner ads in their face too.

IMO, LinkedIn is most useful as a sourcing and networking tool. I haven't been a big fan of their Job Posting functionality (does it work well for anyone?), and I can't believe that banner ads are particularly effective here either. Is their any evidence to the contrary?

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I too would like to know if KPMG has been effective with this.The job posting feature is OK at best, since you are always limited to a zip code, so when you have multiple openings nationwide, it isn't cost-effective. Just my .02 cents
Hi Ben -

I think it's just you..I'm not seeing the banner ads at all :)

But seriously...having posted jobs to LinkedIn on behalf of a Big 4 firm...I agree with you that the job postings themselves are not that effective. At least, I rarely had quality resumes submitted that were a direct result of the job posting. However, what it does do is raise awareness of the organization, and the fact that they are hiring. In a way, it's kind of like Monster. I know of companies that post to Monster just because if they didn't, their competitors would start rumors that they were going through layoffs and no longer hiring. Its true!!

As for people on LinkedIn getting tired of being bombarded by recruiters...if they aren't yet, they probably will be. While I'm a huge fan of LinkedIn and use it daily for sourcing candidates, I'm wondering about the saturation point for recruiters. I fear that at some point, there will be so many recruiters on LinkedIn that those in other professions will decided not to use it, or will create their own social network and not allow the recruiters in. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next couple of years.

Heather - If you aren't seeing this, maybe its because they have it tied only to people in related industries, of which I obviously am in. Agree with you on the saturation point. There a good related discussion going on regarding this on ERE: http://tinyurl.com/3exh6a.



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