I have recently started up the CADjobhunter network which is a number of interlinking job
boards centred around roles which involve the use of CAD/CAM/CAE,
DCC and GIS software.
These roles cover all industries including Product Design, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing,
Architecture, Civil Engineering, Construction, Geospatial, Design
Visualisation, Animation and Computer Games.
The network consists of www.CADjobhunter.com, which covers all
roles and also includes DEVELOP3D Jobs (http:jobs.develop3d.com),
a job board attached to the print and digital journal DEVELOP3D a publication that
tracks the essential technologies used throughout the entire product development
and mechanical engineering process from concept to production.
For a limited period all job advertising is free so if you would like to take advantage of this
offer please do not hesitate to contact Matt Wells on 01252 414007 or matt@cadjobhunter.com