Looking for partners for the placement of Health care professionals from South India(Chennai,Bangalore and Kerala). Anybody interested
please contact me. @ babita.harikrishnan@yahoo.com

Dr.Babita Harikrishnan

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Dear Dr, babita harikrishnan,

Regarding your request we are ready to work with . though We are not particularly recruiting for Health care , but we have clients across India and We have already working with the companies like Aventis (pune), Dr. Ready( Hyd), Sun Pahrma , Global Hospital , Dr Bhatra etc etc . if you are interest please let us know . you can reach us in Email : itmconsultancy@gmail.com or call us +91-9884056909 // 917 666 6693

“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints"

Good morning,
I am an Australian Healthcare Recruiter, we are seeking a professional and reliable recruiter in India to assist us with the recruitment of registered nurses for Australia. If you are interested my email is fay.samios@australianrecruiting.com



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