Has anyone here ever used this particular site/service or one like it? If so, I'm curious to hear about any success stories because it would seem to me that even with filtering tools that you can control you're still not going to get great results let alone great results for free as these sites like to promote. How effective is going this route and/or including it in your sourcing toolbox?

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Hey, Jeffrey, you might want to check out today's post from Mark Berger and this video posted by Geoff Peterson.

Both point to useful applications for these services. I use them as Mark and Geoff describe and have done so for quite a while. I now have a pretty substantial database which is fully integrated into my system.

That said, to what I think you're really asking, unless you have a strong brand and attraction mechanism and/or engaged talent pool it's far more likely you'll have to go find what you're really after. To expect someone to give you anything of real value just for making it to your email each day is unrealistic.

Recruiters are the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that compels candidates to part with $45.00 to get their resume blasted out. It's best we leave the rainbow chasing to them. Adding these resumes to our databases is probably the only way the recruiter and candidate will ever share in the potential value these distribution services promise.



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