UBIEE RotatorPRO - WorldWide


UBIEE RotatorPRO - WorldWide

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Website: http://officialubiee.com/tag/insider
Location: Berlin
Members: 17
Latest Activity: Feb 1, 2009

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Comment by UBIEE RotatorPRO World HQ on February 1, 2009 at 6:58am
Hello UBIEEaners, Just a quick Sunday message to you

Today I will start a series of updates to show you just a little bit more in detail, where, what and how we can together do a much better job in understanding how to operate your UBIEE RotatorPRO Platform and how you can learn to become a future Publishing House with this service.

My intention is to create a more constant update via email, Blog etc, to show you better what we are working on and what we are putting together here at the UBIEE HQ. Our UBIEE RotatorPRO Platform is growing with well over 1000 members now. Pretty impressive so to say.

Many of you have never been in a UBIEE RotatorPRO Platform webinar conference, neither have you ever had the chance to truly learn more about the great venture you have embarked on with us when you joined the UBIEE RotatorPRO Platform.

So first things first:
To participate in our Weekly Webinar Conference you have several options. For better understanding look at the following URL: http://urp.ubiee.com/go/webinar

To learn more about the UBIEE RotatorPRO Platform, I would highly recommend that you download our UBIEE ToolBar from the Following URL: http://ubieehq.ourtoolbar.com. Check for the URP Icon.

To participate and leave your own professional Profile as a UBIEE Green NATION Citizen, please use the following URL: http://ubiee.biz

All the indicated URL's above, will allow you to learn quite a bit more about our UBIEE Organisation and its future potential for you as you get further involved with it.

As you may be aware, but many for sure are not, we are still preparing for our New and Old UBIEE Members a much clearer overview of the current stage of Development for the UBIEE RotatorPRO and its Potential Release by the 1st of March 2009. We have discovered that with the UBIEE RotatorPRO Platform many of our Members are already very satisfied as it is, but we want you to understand that there is more to come to make it even more interesting for you if you decide to build your future with it.

Let's Point out some of the Highlights that will make you feel confident that this program is worth while for you to participate and to promote.
- 100% Free to Join
- Professional up-front Payment Service (PuPS)
- High Quality Professional SEO Alternative Simple Online interface in Multilingual Format.
- Very Low Entrance fee for Marketers and Promoters alike to publish in your own Platform their Business.
- 100% of added URL's to the network is paid to the Member/Customer alike.
- Services rendered to the Final Customer are always paid upfront. No waiting time to earn money with the UBIEE RotatorPRO Platform.

I could add some more to this, but I think it is enough for the moment to help you understand that this UBIEE RotatorPRO Platform will make you re-think how you would like to operate any form of business Online.
Let me ask you a question!

"If you were paid up-front, for a technology that is so innovative, and you had nothing else to do other than confirm that your paying customer was willing to honor your professionalism and service!

Would you ignore such a customer?"

If your answer was NO, then this is all you need to learn in the UBIEE RotatorPRO Platform. The people that join you, and who are willing to pay you up-front, want your kind attention.

Let me ask you another question!

"If you were presented with an Online program, that does allow you, to get yourself visible and seen on the Internet, for only a small fee of 2+1 EUR or less than 4 USD a month! Would you rather confirm that you will become a paying customer who is willing to honor this professional service that UBIEE and your Sponsor/Verifier is offering you? Or would you ignore such an opportunity? "

Let me know what is your response. Let me know if you are happy with the quality of support that your sponsor is providing to you. Don’t be afraid to speak up and let me know what your current feelings and understandings are.

This is a people program, and if you would like to be taken care of by a different Sponsor/verifier, as a valued UBIEE RotatorPRO member, we do allow you to change and swap to a different Sponsor/Verifier, than the one you have currently assigned to your account. All you need to do is to please get in touch with us, or go to your Data Center and fill out the Customer Satisfaction Survey.

We want to make sure that you feel confident that this is a different kind of program, and that you can start thinking about of building your own future surrounding the UBIEE RotatorPRO and the UBIEE SUPERsplash Page (USsP) Services in your plans for financial growth. Bring a bright future to your own customers. And by the way, there will soon be more details about the USsP.

For today I will not take more of your time and wish you a great Sunday from here in the UBIEE HQ, One more thing before I let you go.

Have you seen this already?
In UBIEE we went from 45.000 Results to over 13 Mio in Google.de WOW Amazing!!!
UBIEE in Google Germany with 13 Mio Results
UBIEE in GOOGLE GermanyWOW 13 Mio Resultats

Surprise Surprise, Our advanced technology is firing up Googles search algorithms! When we started this project, we had 45,000 UBIEE Results, but now many members have reported and confirmed an ASTOUNDING 13 Million results for UBIEE.
There is only one UBIEE and you are here! Click above and see the results.
Note: Results may vary on some browsers, or change if you are logged in to your Google account.

best regards

Dr. Michael
UBIEE RotatorPRO Sign up Free in my LIMITED Elite Team. Click the Icon UBIEE RotatorPRO is Master Marketer Approved
See our UBIEE RotatorPRO Live Stats.
Comment by UBIEE RotatorPRO World HQ on December 11, 2008 at 12:39pm
Hello and welcome from the UBIEE HQ

Thanks Diethardt for the great group. I got an Google Alerte telling me that somebody has joined the group and I decided to look up what this is all about. Pretty impressive I must say.

Let me introduce myself as the Founder of UBIEE and one of the Key People that are behind the various products & services that UBIEE is providing.

If I can be of any help to anybody, please feel free to get in touch with me or our 24 hours LIVE Place for SKYPE USERS.

http://skype.mn for International SKYPE User interested in UBIEE.
http://deutsch.skype.mn for German Spoken SKYPE User interested in UBIEE.

With best regards

Dr. Michael
Founder / Chairman
UBIEE Corporation S.L.
Comment by Heiko Closhen on December 9, 2008 at 2:54pm
Anmeldeverfahren UBIEE RotatorPRO
1. Stufe
Kostenlose Anmeldung in UBIEE Rotator PRO.
Du erhälst ein back office mit eingeschränkten Rechten, da noch nichts bezahlt ist. Du erhälst aber schon eine Position im Rotator-system, denn es wird die erste URL im Rotator-system eingetragen. Beim Sponsor erscheint unter Verify dieser Eintrag:-->
URL: http://officialubiee.com/tag/mare08 Paid With:
CATEGORY: UBIEE / RotatorPRO Item Number: RPRO-URL-3550
Rotator Title: YES UBIEE CAN. Do no add any URL here. You are already PART of it when you joined URP
Rotator Domain: yes-ubiee-can.com
Du wirst in die Kategorie UBIEE, Unterkategorie RotatorPRO, domain yes-ubiee-can.com
eingetragen. Eintrag sieht etwas so aus: http://officialubiee.com/tag/mare08
Du kannst persönlich werben mit http://officialubiee.com/tag/mare08 oder öffentlich auf den Webseiten mit

Im backoffice sind nicht alle Menüpunkte aktiv, da Du noch nicht alle Rechte hast.
Du kannst solange "Free member" bleiben, wie Du willst. Als "Free memeber" kannst Du auch Geld verdienen, indem Du eine Struktur in UBIEE RotatorPRO aufbaust und von jedem Untermann (downliner) beim Eintrag einer URL (siehe Stufe 3) eine Gebühr von1 EUR pro Monat verlangst und erhältst. Der Untermann sollte Dir in irgendeiner geeigneten Form den einen EUR zukommen lassen.
Status: Free member

2. Stufe
Bezahlung der Monatsgebühr von 2 EUR an UBIEE (erste Zahlung)
Wer sich als Free Member angemeldet hat, sollte im backoffice in der Menüleiste oben auf das Haus Symbol ganz links gehen. Dann erscheint nochmals die Bezahl-Schnittstelle. Ist in dem vorgesehenen Zahlsystem genug Guthaben für die Bezahlung der 2 EUR vorhanden? Wenn nein, dann erst Guthaben im Bezahlsystem auffüllen oder Kreditkarte aktivieren.
Wenn ja, dann Bezahlung über eines der drei Zahlsysteme (alertpay, moneybooker, paypal) mit einem Mindestguthaben von 2 EUR.
Nach der Bezahlung hast Du volle Rechte im backoffice, alle Menüpunkte sind aktiv. Anmeldung von personaliserten URLs in den Kategorien, Subkategorien und domain ist möglich.

Status: PAID member

3. Stufe

Vor der Aktivierung sollte sich jeder Teilnehmer in seinem backoffice den traffic tree anschauen. Er kann sich ein Bild verschaffen, welche Kategorien, Subkategorien und domains es in UBIEE RotatorPRO gibt und an welcher Stelle in der Rotator-Struktur am besten die eigene, personaliserte URL zu platzieren ist. Jetzt können personaliserte URLs in den Kategorien, Subkategorien und domain angemeldet werden.
jetzt wird nochmals!!! eine weitere Zahlung fällig an den Sponsor (meist 1 EUR) (zweite Zahlung).

Dazu muß der Sponsor in den drei Zahlsystemen (alertpay, moneybooker, paypal) eine mail-Adresse eingetragen haben, sonst kann das Geld auf dieser Stufe nicht bei ihm ankommen, sondern wandert zu UBIEE oder einem darüberliegenden Sponsor mit aktiviertem Zahlsystem. Der Sponsor hat die Kontrolle über die erfolgreiche Anmeldung, da die URL von ihm akzeptiert werden muß. Das sollte erst tun, wenn er sein Geld hat und wenn die URL in der richtigen Kategorie oder Form (keine Schreibfehler, keine Formatfehler) ist. Man kann als Sponsor auch freigeben ohne vorher Geld vom Untermann bekommen zu haben, das ist dann ein Geschenk oder eine Motivation.

Members (14)



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