It really is an awesome company. One of my clients has the best solution for most of you.. BRICK AND MORTER agencies are dying for many reasons... YOU DON"T NEED TO WORK FOR SOMEONE else to get certain training and tools for the HIGH PRICE of 50% or more of your hard earn billings!! You are paying a CRAZY licensing rate, which is all it is... CONSIDERING being your own recruiting boss, 90%+ commissions. I LOVE THEM! too good to be true, yet it is! I spoke at their annual conference and all agents are happier than pigs in you know what... This place gives you the best technology, split networks, front office system, job boards, training and more... and you get to keep almost all of your billings. it's a true win win.
Bottom line is that with the advance of web based technology, your firm no longer provides you the value of yesteryear.. Check out or call or contact me to learn more....