Hi, our platform connects Employers with Recruiters

If you are a virtual recruiter and you're looking for jobs to work on, we have numerous positions in various fields from finance, IT, marketing, executive, operations, human resources, healthcare, sales to name a few. Get connected with openings with premier employers, so you can fill jobs fast, make more money and get back to doing what you do best: finding talent.

Our Split Network is free to use. We supply the job, you find the great candidate to match the opening. You will sign into your own personal portal to work on requisitions. If you have hard to fill positions, feel free to post in our network for assistance from other fellow recruiters, email us for further information.

Whether you are an independent recruiter, staffing or recruitment firm who wants to work on premier employers—including Fortune 500 companies throughout the United States—with open roles to fill. We can assist in being your business development arm.

It's free and only takes a few minutes - fill out our form below, receive access information and your ready to go!

HRRS Network Registration Form

Start Today - We welcome you to our team!

Any questions, feel free to email: jobs@hrrecruitingservices.com

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