While a grounded recruitment approach, based on experience, works well for all of us in recruitment -- the ability to make adjustments on the run can make a big difference.
Some hard-to-fill reqs can drive one crazy -- so trying something different can go a long way in solving a search that seems to be taking too long to close.
Making adjustments on the run can save your ass...ets.
The ability to make adjustments on the run, in the middle of the action, will distinguish you among your peers and your competition (which can be the same thing).
A recruiting effort can relate to: knowing when to zig or zag for a running back; fold’em or hold’em in poker; and swing away or wait for one more pitch in baseball - all have one thing in common – they all need a decision to be made pronto that will bring a plus or minus result. And regardless of the result – the need for a decision and a decision maker can make all the difference in the moment.
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