Job Fair - Abbott Laboratories - Recruiter & Recruitment Booth

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Comment by Valentino Martinez on August 27, 2011 at 2:55pm

What does this picture tell you about Abbott Laboratories' recruiting methodology when they attend a job fair?


As an independent recruitment consultant--I provide visual info, via photos, to employers interested in knowing what their competitors in industry are doing.


And besides recruiting for talent at job fairs, I capture visuals of recruiter(s) & recruitment booth impact.  I make recommendations to employer reps on how to improve their visual impact, recruiter impact, team efficiency, etc.

Comment by Tim Spagnola on August 27, 2011 at 3:11pm
Abbott employs mountain climbers? They also don't seem to like chairs. Just random observations on a Saturday. Tino - you must have liked my recent comic in Humor group- no?
Comment by Valentino Martinez on August 28, 2011 at 3:57am

Yes, Tim—

First, I did enjoy your recent comic post on Recruiter Humor Group and responded to it.

Yes, Abbott apparently employs a “mountain climber”; as well as a “wife and mother of two”; and a “genealogist”—real employees featured here on their recruitment display.  The booth has no chairs because Job Fairs tend to be stand-up affairs where exchanges between job applicants and employer reps are brief and fast moving due to shear numbers, traffic and a burning need to find mutual interest. 

My observations are:  Seeing employees listed by name, rank, discipline and years of employment is unique.  Employers typically use models.  Abbott is proudly displaying the essence of their recruitment advertisement theme, which is: . Employees are jazzed to be working at Abbott Laboratories because they can say:  “I AM…INSPIRED TO ACHIEVE” which is branded on each of the photos which also suggest Abbott values work-life balance for its employees.  The pitch to passers-by is you can climb our mountains (challenges) and enjoy the view.  You can raise your family and embrace your customers.  Abbott is a great place to work.  (NOTE: Since I have the original picture—I can blow it up so that I can read the fine print that may not be recognizable on the RBC).

What’s important here is that Abbott’s “mountain climber” oozes the motivation to “climb the rock; the mountain; and the career ladder as you do so. It is graphically recognizable from fifty-paces particularly at job fairs where such an image catches a certain amount of attention from candidates waiting in line to speak to a company rep; or simply passing by the Abbott Recruitment Booth.

As a Recruitment Consultant to Employers and their recruitment image…I see and say:

-Abbott visuals appear to value and encourages a balanced work-life relationship with its employees.

-Abbott visuals appear to value the "I" in individuals who make individual contributions in their specific disciplines; which also translate to team contributions--all going to and impacting the bottom-line results.

-Abbott happens to be at a National Minority MBA Career Fair looking for "Sales & Marketing" talent.

-Abbott is proactive in their recruiting efforts for a more diverse representation in their marketing & sales ranks at the Business Analyst, Account Executive...and possibly members of management level.

-Abbott has one rep, when they should have 3-5 reps, in the booth at a national career conference.  Lines will form, and most candidates will move on to speak to other employers if the wait is too long.  They may come back, or not.

If Abbott is represented by hiring management, at this event (which it doesn't appear to be),  rather than just having an "HR" rep/recruiter collecting resumes--they then must want to speed-up the interview and selection process because they realize they are among 200-250+ other employers (most competing for the same talent).

The Recruitment booth is open and inviting to candidates to come in for up-close-and-personal face-to-face conversations.  The small high table is more functional and friendly to meet and greet candidates; to dispense info; giveaways; and to conveniently review resumes.  Standing-up works for quick assessments and interview appointment scheduling for sit-down face-to-face interviews. 

The curse and blessing of Job Fairs is that it’s one-stop-shopping for both employer and job seeker—each get to visit with numerous candidates and reps.  Some employers come in full-force with reps at the booth and hiring managers standing-by at designated and draped-off interview tables adjacent to the job fair’s main exhibit area.

-The Recruitment Booth itself is recruiter friendly in that it looks easy to build-up and take-down; for quick and inexpensive shipping back to HQ.  Many employers utilize booths that literally need to b

Comment by Valentino Martinez on August 29, 2011 at 2:28am


Thanks for taking an interest in RBC members and their posts--regardless of subject, group, and time of day...or night.

It is noticed and appreciated and should be emulated by the silent majority who may have something to say, share, or even bitch-about, but choose not to participate.  That to me is a wasted opportunity to even let the rest of us know there is a pulse out there in MIA land.

Yes, there are those too busy to be to get involved; or are simply not moved by the subject matter.  To them I say, get over yourself and pitch-in by sharing your hard earned knowledge that may benefit another RBC member.  Let your gravestone say:  "I gave my best stuff to RBC before I kicked the bucket"...or something along those lines.



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