Stormy Weather in Missouri and Elsewhere Continues to Show a Force of Nature That is Becoming a Frightening Constant in Our Lives

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Comment by Valentino Martinez on June 17, 2013 at 10:41am

When where you live suddenly becomes part of an expanding "Tornado Alley" begin to take stormy weather more seriously.

On that note, as a recruiter, if your opportunities are in California some of the questions from job candidates will invariably include:  earthquakes, mudslides, pollution, crime, cost-of-living, etc.  Now, in the Midwest - Stormy Weather is the question and the concern.  

Having lived in response would be:  "You can't trust air you can't see"; and "Mudslides are mostly Mountain-Coastal problems - who can afford to live there?"; and "What are the odds of a drive-by or a big earthquake?  Plus discounts in those areas are big".  Now, living in the Midwest -- my response is:  "What are the odds of a tornado hitting your home?  And, "When it's your time it doesn't matter where you live.  On the bright-side...what are the odds?" 

Comment by Valentino Martinez on July 14, 2013 at 1:47am

Today drove by a "swath of damage" left from a passing tornado that touched ground and removed a few roofs in the area.  Many buildings (businesses) and homes (families) now covered with a blue tarp coverings -- awaiting replacement construction.

Erie how random a Force of Nature can be when you get down to basics.


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