Steven Coyne's Blog (5)

"Vegetable Gardening and the Job Search"

Once again, I am awakened by a dream and inspired, and at 3:15 am I sit here writing this article to you. What woke me was a dream related to my vegetable garden…I know…weird huh? Well, once I woke, I started to think of the relationship between job seeking and gardening. Now, you may ask, how are the two related?

If you are keeping track of what’s happening in the garden, and you stay on top of the issues of soil preparation, seed or…


Added by Steven Coyne on June 14, 2010 at 11:27am — No Comments

"Doing Things Right"

My wife and I recently made the trip to California to help celebrate the 90th birthday party of one of her aunt’s. We had a great time visiting with family and friends during the party and for a few more days, enjoyed the company of another set of friends in Northern San Diego County.

While waiting for our return flight home, it gave me a chance to watch the fever-pitched activity out on the airport ramp. As baggage was loaded and unloaded,…


Added by Steven Coyne on May 25, 2010 at 12:58pm — No Comments

“I’m 52, With White Hair…But I’m Not DEAD!”

As a recruiter, I just have a few questions to ask for the sake of those who, like me, are beyond 50 years old. These questions are meant for serious debate, instead of an attempt to conjure argument:…


Added by Steven Coyne on April 1, 2010 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

"Assistance During Your Job Search"

Steven’s Note:The following is a press release provided by Angel Food Ministries. The reason I’ve posted this information is that we can all use this wonderful service as locations can be found throughout most of the United States. During your job search, I’d ask that you consider using the services yourself, and certainly share this information with anyone you can. Thank you!



Added by Steven Coyne on March 9, 2010 at 9:03am — No Comments

"3 Reasons I'll Read Your Resume"

I heard it again today, “I’ve applied to 300 jobs in the last month.”


Why would anyone waste their time like that? Sounds to me like this person was simply doing the “Click and Go” dance with his computer. I certainly understand the desperation that comes with the economic climate we all live in today, but I’m concerned.

If a…


Added by Steven Coyne on March 5, 2010 at 2:00pm — 22 Comments


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