Ryan Mulrooney's Blog (3)

Recruitment Nightmares- You can't make this stuff up: how not to write a cover letter

This is an actual cover letter, names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Dear Sirs,

Advise through program review that is Career Builder suggestion, title view Program Co-Ordinator at Winsted, Connecticut that is via a Hartford, Connecticut circumstance search industry.   Public assistance is direct advantage hire and public transportation is recommended value.  Ensue however…


Added by Ryan Mulrooney on July 31, 2013 at 11:30am — 3 Comments

Recruitment Nightmares- The Applicant Stalker

The policy in our company is all employee referrals get a phone call, regardless of qualifications, and I follow that policy.  Because I am so dedicated to this particular policy, I have come across this most recent employment nightmare.

Let me preface this story by reminding everybody that my voicemail actually says, “Hi this is Ryan… leave your name, phone number, and a brief message and…


Added by Ryan Mulrooney on July 25, 2013 at 10:30am — No Comments

Recruitment Nightmares- Typos

So I have a collection of typos.  Really?  Yep because they are some of the funniest and most sad things about the recruitment process.  When people create a resume and don't proof read (or use abbreviations), this is what you get.

Customized Personal Ass (at least they are customized)

Assitant Manger 

BA in Psycholoft (come on, you cannot spell Math?)

Associate Bus…


Added by Ryan Mulrooney on July 24, 2013 at 11:30am — No Comments


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