Jeff Weidner's Blog (12)

My friend Siobhan is having an AHA moment. Watch her amazing story.

My friend Siobhan is having an AHA moment. Watch her amazing story.

Her story.

My aha moment happened two and a half years ago, when I lost a baby through a miscarriage. I got really depressed, so I decided to stop everything and go to Africa to try to see if I could help other people. I ended up volunteering with this organization that did malaria prevention in… Continue

Added by Jeff Weidner on April 24, 2009 at 11:24am — No Comments OK I tried it and guess what...

About 2 weeks ago I got an email from the guys over at

I've been a member of TL for a while so it was nothing new, they send out a weekly email with a link to the db with all the new "inductees" so you can send invites to them via linkedin.

Anyho, in the weekly update they mentioned that they started a new "" type database but now you can also grow your network on any (or all!) of the world's top 20 social networking sites including LinkedIn, Facebook,… Continue

Added by Jeff Weidner on March 31, 2009 at 10:00am — No Comments

My top 50 groups on Linkedin. And my criteria for keeping them.

My Linkedin groups

A few weeks ago Linkedin implemented a change in the number of group an individual could join on the network. I was a huge proponent of joining groups as a way of attracting new invitations. But with the policy change I've had to make some decisions on which groups to remain a member of. So I culled my original member list of 480 groups down to the 49 you see below. The criteria was simple; a) group had to relevant to my interests and or needs as an owner of HTC Research… Continue

Added by Jeff Weidner on September 26, 2008 at 1:19pm — 1 Comment

Fordyce Letter was nice enough to post my list of Social Networking Sites list.

Fordyce Letter

For a full updated list you can go here and scroll to the bottom of the page. HTC Research Social Networking Site List

Thanks Mark Berger.

Jeff Weidner

Added by Jeff Weidner on September 8, 2008 at 7:20pm — 1 Comment

Linkedin going after groups now.

Well they are starting to burn my butt and I'm not particularly happy about the latest change in Linkedins policy.

"In the coming days and weeks you might receive inquiries (and complaints) from members of your LinkedIn group(s) about the newly-instituted limit of 50 group memberships per LinkedIn member. You might also see a decrease in your group membership as LinkedIn members scramble to meet the newly-imposed limit. In any event, those who have not pared their membership lists… Continue

Added by Jeff Weidner on August 6, 2008 at 3:00pm — No Comments

A recruiter friend of mine is in Africa doing some charity work for OneMama.

So Siobhan has been an amazing friend, collegue and business partner of mine for close to 8 years now. A few years ago she got hooked on this idea of going to Uganda to help out in a birthing clinic. She quickly realised that the people in this village were lacking basic necessities for life let alone for giving birth. When she came back to San Francisco she put together a non-profit organization called OneMama with the intention of providing basic healthcare needs for mothers in the… Continue

Added by Jeff Weidner on July 25, 2008 at 11:00am — No Comments

LinkedIn Joins the Billionaires' Club

LinkedIn Joins the Billionaires' Club

BusinessWeek Article Here

5 yrs old on May 5th 2008 and now valued at 1 Billion!!!!

Estimating 30 to 35 Million users by the end of 2008!!!!

On track to hit $100 Million in sales in 2008!!!

If you are not a member on Linkedin now is the time to sign up and be apart of the explosive growth.…


Added by Jeff Weidner on July 3, 2008 at 1:22pm — No Comments

When gas hits $5.50 a gallon will still be able to afford to drive to work?

I originally posted this on Linkedin

Fact: In Europe and UK gas is avging about $8.50 a gal. and the US is at $4.00 as per AAA survey last weekend.

Last weekend I played paintball with a bunch of my friends and the group next to us was talking about high gas prices… Continue

Added by Jeff Weidner on June 11, 2008 at 1:18pm — No Comments

List of Social Networking Sites and resources for social networkers

Other Social Networking Sites

  1. 43 People : social meeting people online
  2. Asoboo : social networking with events/places (japanese)
  3. Blogtronix : social business networking ; blogging
  4. Blue Dot : social networking site
  5. Bolt : video/photo/music…

Added by Jeff Weidner on May 21, 2008 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Follow up to Building a Linkedin Network.

Originally posted in April 2008 to my personal blog on

I was asked a few questions so here is the follow up.

1) When is it big enough? Dunno haven't found out yet, I certainly do not see any downside from have a huge network. We find tons of candidates off Linked in every day. As HTC is a research firm it has become extremely valuable to us. I can't/won't day exactly how many candidates per week… Continue

Added by Jeff Weidner on May 21, 2008 at 2:26pm — No Comments

Tips on adding contacts by resending invites.

Real quick wanted to add another tip on how to get more connections on Linkedin. And FYI I'm over 5100 now so these techniques work. That's about 1000 connections in the last month and I've only sent 250 invites out. And another 100+- resends.

Old Invites can be a Gold Mine.

Yea I know you already sent them one invite but somehow it either got ignored or lost or forgotten.

I started going through my old invites and resending the invites to people and they started… Continue

Added by Jeff Weidner on May 21, 2008 at 2:19pm — No Comments

How I built my Linkedin network

I originally wrote this in April 2008 and posted it to my personal blog on http://htcresearch.blogspot.comOK I've been getting a ton of people asking me how I built my network on Linkedin up to 4200+. I thought I would share some of my secrets on how I'm getting so many (which is relative) invites (about 100-150 per week). Though I didn't realize they were secrets.

So here's my basic routine.


I started a group on… Continue

Added by Jeff Weidner on May 21, 2008 at 2:00pm — No Comments


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