For those like me........ready to unplug.....


This is the event you've been waiting for!


Tired of going to a conference, having a beer and finding your picture slapped up on Facebook before you can get the bartender's attention for #2?


Amazed when you find yourself in some sort of important discussion only to find half the room tweeting and blogging themselves into a stupor all around you?  Or even worse - it's you!!!!!?????


Frustrated with the lack of real, person to person interaction in your world?  Countless thousands of names and contacts all sending you links and updates of stuff they think you'll find interesting?


Unplug yourself.  Check your cell phone at the gate.  Relax.  Chill out.


It's Mid By Midwest!  Enjoy the weekend in Rural America.  Bring a tent.  That's it.  Skip the laptop, your iPad/iPhone, Blackberry or whatever you have in your pocket demanding your attention 24 hours a day.


We understand.  This is for you.  You get here.  We'll take care of the rest.


Arrive Friday, July 15th, enjoy the event, and please have your trash picked up and be gone by Sunday afternoon.....

Views: 186

Comment by Tammy Colson on April 2, 2011 at 9:18am

ok... Frank and I are in - but Frank wants a speakers slot - and first choice of tentsite. We all know how important THAT is. 


~Tammy & Frank

Comment by Sandra McCartt on April 2, 2011 at 12:13pm
For those of us without tents.  Could we just stay home and have an untweet-tweetup?  Will send money to help cover the cost of the beer.  We could be considered to be counted out.  :)  Sort of like one of those "stay at home fund raisers" where you pay not to have to go.  Nothing to take pictures of, blog about, tweet about, email about or post about.  Just quiet, sloppy silence.
Comment by Jerry Albright on April 6, 2011 at 1:44pm
Well - it looks like I better change the name of this thing.  So we'll be putting together a new logo.  But the party is ON!!!!!!!
Comment by Maureen Sharib on April 6, 2011 at 1:45pm
WHAT? You get a restraining order in the mail?
Comment by Jerry Albright on April 6, 2011 at 1:47pm
After having someone put together this fantastic logo - I figured I would do a quick Google search for "MXMW" - and found this - and read the story on the side.  That's about all I needed to know.....:(
Comment by Brenda Le on April 6, 2011 at 1:52pm
How about just calling it what it is...a camping trip?  What is the location? Can I sleep in my SUV instead of a tent? Can I bring a gun? What about a fising pole?
Comment by Tammy Colson on April 6, 2011 at 1:57pm

However... that WAS for a music festival. this is not a music festival... unless you are planning to hire the bands. ;-) 

We MIGHT be safe from injunction from that other music/geekfest down south, since this will most DEFINITELY be the antithesis of a geekfest. 


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