Google has no recruitment issues...?


I just viewed the Google recruitment video and must say it looks like a brilliant place to work! (I posted it here on my page for you all to see).

A startling revelation for me was the comment that they get 3000 job applications A DAY! That equals out to about a million a year.. Therefore my title that I don't think they have any recruitment issues as far as volume (because you still need to find the gem in all of those cv's!) My question to you is: 'Why does everybody want to work at Google?' Is it the brand name alone, the coolness of working at Google, are these people all addicted to computers, is it sexy to work there, is it the perks... I would love to hear your thoughts on this!

Views: 88

Comment by Jakolien Sok on July 29, 2007 at 3:20pm
Thanks for the reflection Karen, tried to get the answers and tripped over a very interesting article on a blog on Computerworld, written by a Microsoft employee but seems to give some insight in the question posed by her: 'Is this the real life, at Google? (Is this just fantasy?)' View the blog @:


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