No one can deny the unstoppable force that is social media has made us all more aware of each other’s lives.  Facebook, LinkedIn and other sites empower us with a level of communication that none of us knew just 10 years ago.


But just like the Amazing Spider-Man, we must exercise great responsibility with that power.  As I mentioned in a prior post, social media is increasingly having adverse effects at work.


Think you’ve got your confidentiality under control?  Are you the MI-6 of Facebook?


This article from the BBC highlights 5 things not to do on Facebook…and, as it turns out, one of the most confidential people in the world – the head of MI-6 himself – found out about one of them the hard way.

The article covers some of the basics – not talking about work, for example – but covers a few less obvious ones as well.


A must-read for any professional participant in Web 2.0.

Views: 72

Comment by Tim Spagnola on August 5, 2011 at 10:24am
Did I miss the link Dan? I must admit that A Spidey mention will catch my attention every time.
Comment by Dan Ogden on August 5, 2011 at 10:28am
Will have to re-edit in HTML. Will correct shortly...
Comment by Dan Ogden on August 5, 2011 at 10:29am


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