Sometimes I think recruiters get so wrapped up in the process of what they do and the money side of the business that they forget the real reason we’re here. We are here to service our clients. Without clients there would be no process. Without clients there would be no money. Without clients there would be no need for candidates. This is not a candidate driven business, it is a client driven business. Do candidates pay you the big bucks for placing them with an amazing client in an amazing position? No. You get paid by the clients you serve.

So here are some things to remember about clients:

A CLIENT is the most important person in any business.

A CLIENT is not dependent on us… we are dependent on them.

A CLIENT is not an interruption of our work… they are the purpose of it.

A CLIENT does us a favor when they call… we are not doing them a favor by serving them.

A CLIENT is part of our business… not an outsider.

A CLIENT is not a cold statistic… they are a flesh and blood human being with feeling and emotions like our own.

A CLIENT is not someone to argue or match wits with.

A CLIENT is a person who brings us their wants and needs… it is our responsibility to fill those wants and needs.

A CLIENT is deserving of the most courteous and attentive treatment we can give them.

A CLIENT is the life-blood of this and every other business.

A CLIENT may not always be right, but he/she is ALWAYS THE CLIENT.

Now, you do have to determine which companies are clients and which are tire-kickers or resume-whore-mongers. That part I leave to you.

Views: 208

Comment by Jerry Albright on February 16, 2012 at 9:51am

A CLIENT is a company who has paid you a fee in the past - or owes you one now.  All others are "potential" clients and have not (as of yet) earned everything on Cora's list (yet).

A JOB ORDER is not a client.

Comment by Samantha Lacey on February 16, 2012 at 9:56am

Brilliant! I think it's sometimes forgotten that both clients and candidates are people, they have their own lives after we get off the phone to them. 

Comment by Cora Mae Lengeman on February 16, 2012 at 10:06am

Well said Jerry - A JOB ORDER IS NOT A CLIENT.   You have to know who your clients are and who are not really your clients. 

Job Order = not a client

FEE PAID = client   (I wait to call them a client after the fee is paid)


Samatha: Yes believe it or not they have lives beyond talking to us!  Most have actual work they have to get done! 


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