Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that most of the blogs in the past week or two have zero comments?  Why is that?  Is it because there is now a "like" button to use (FB rip-off) and it's easier to like than to comment?  Duh......yes it is.  But here's the point.  No comments.  No interaction.  It seems that the only posts that get a lot of comments are the very controversial posts that "raise-up" the blood-pressure because they hit hot buttons in most of us.  And I love a great "hot topic".  I think most of us do.


No comments might equate to what's being posted is just plain dull and boring and none of us really care about it.  Or if you "sort of" care about it, you just "like it" instead and then move on?  A lot of the blog content of late is either dull..........boring.........basic....repetitive.......blah, blah, blah.  You get the point.  Or worse........they are cryptic advertising for someones firm/company/etc. 


Here's the challenge.  Remove your ego before you write a blog and post it.  Ask yourself.........Is this really, really great information?  Is it interesting?  Is it a little controversial, but educational and meaningful?  If you can do that before you hit the "post" button, maybe, just maybe you'll get comments rather than a like.  I'm sure I'll get neither from this post, but that's not the point.  It's been bugging me for a couple of weeks and I had to bring it forward.  I'm not coming here much lately because it's becoming a snoozer.  Let's make this site content "hot" again.  Jerry and Sandra aren't the only ones who can write a great post.  There's gotta be more of you out there.  Right?


Views: 331

Comment by Sandra McCartt on September 14, 2012 at 5:53pm

Ha, and you are correct.  If we know that our contacts and our clients know we like them and they respect us, we'll do it and they will do it.  A great truth for a Friday afternoon.  Really though, you could have said fifty.  We all know what we are we just need to determine what we are worth.  Ha!

Comment by Sandra McCartt on September 14, 2012 at 5:56pm

Yes to rain, finally.  Went from 99 on Tuesday to the 50's today and rain for the past two.  It would however, have to rain for 30 days and 30 nights before even Noah could unbeach the ark in the Texas panhandle.

Comment by Peter Ceccarelli on September 14, 2012 at 6:05pm

Hang in there. sign back in as pseudonym so it appears that I have LOT'S of followers.  You know that's my dream! Top blogger on this site.  Huge dream.  Hah!  I could never compete with you.  Hopefully inspire you to continue blogging about content rich and educational stuff.  Lite a fire?  The day's still young.  I'm sure there's a Sandra post inside you just screaming to be published before the week is over. 

Comment by Martin O'Shea on September 17, 2012 at 3:09am

I am pretty new to this website and blogging as a whole, so it would be unfair to judge people what,why and when they say something. But I have found that there are some very good pieces of reading. Cant same the same thing about the comments being made, but always trying to drive the conversation and ask questions as i've got a lot to learn yet. 
Is that what attracted you to this article Sandra? the fact that Peter has spelled out the "Zero" and not the other away around. (joking!) 


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