Warning: Mobile Apply Is Sinking Your Recruitment Process [INFOGRAPHIC]

Based on our own tracking of career sites, 25% of the traffic our clients get comes from mobile. That means most of the Fortune 500 has a substandard, and in many cases, dysfunctional application process on mobile. Here's what a typical application process looks like:


Mobile Apply Process

Views: 887

Comment by Randall Scasny on December 10, 2012 at 10:42am

My last hire last week was through an employer's website, not mobile. I don't think 25% is very high. In fact, it's pretty low. My feeling is it is too early to tell about mobile.

Randall Scasny

FS5 Consulting


Comment by Kristy Bellingham on December 11, 2012 at 10:45am

I really want to jump on the mobile train but when I take a step back it has to depend on what positions you are hiring for. I don't expect most professionals are prepared to submit their resume "on the fly". There are so many things one must do before applying directly such as highlight in your resume your relevant experience for the specific job. And research the company to see if it is somewhere you want to work. And I could go on and on...

Comment by Kerry Skemp on December 17, 2012 at 4:05pm

I'm with you, Alexander. I think the most qualified candidates are the ones with the least time and the highest likelihood of responding to an intriguing opportunity on a quick and easy channel, like mobile. They're probably less likely to take time out of an already busy day to tailor a resume to an opportunity they're not sure they want. It's up to the company/recruiter to analyze promising leads via mobile and persuade the top candidate to apply.

Comment by Randall Scasny on December 17, 2012 at 4:07pm

If they are that busy, that don't even look in the first place.


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