- Online Referral System - Totally Wild Show

A few weeks ago I received a marketing email from I replied to say that I wasn't interested but that I would be happy to have them on my show if they wanted exposure. The CEO, Ziv Eliraz, told me that he would like to come on., I warned him that it might not be the best venue for new technology. His interest was not diminished, however, and so we arranged a show date.

I sent him my info package for the show. You can find it at It's quite thorough. It explains the protocol and warns people that the show can be rowdy. I even have a section advising them how to be interesting.

The key is to come loaded with stories that illustrate whatever points you want to make. I drove this point home with him in additional emails and I felt so strongly about getting the message across that I was very blunt and heavy-handed in making my point.

But do you think that made a difference? No. First he absolutely refused to sing the easiest song in the world, "Happy Birthday" for Amy Ala. Then, he started talking in general terms so I said, "Come on, give us the title of a specific role that was filled with Zao and tell us the story step-by-step." He ignored my plea and I kept repeating it until we had a show-down. He said he was going to hang up and leave the show. People on Twitter were telling me to let him go but instead I just sat back and let the crew take over and this time they didn't let me down. I thought it was an interesting show.

I have to salute him for sticking with it but I absolutely don't know how to get my point across about coming prepared. I really tried to establish very strong guidelines here and totally failed.

Comments From TwitterSteve -- Blake  --  Derek -- RaeDawn -- Amy -- Kelly -- Betty -- Betty -- Amy -- Kelly -- Tom -- RaeDawn -- Blake -- Blake



Views: 901

Comment by Mitch Sullivan on June 6, 2013 at 2:32pm

I'm not interested in people's products. I'm more interested in listening to people talk about broader concepts than just pitching their stuff.

Maybe it's because I'm not American that I find sales pitches tedious.

Comment by Recruiting Animal on June 6, 2013 at 2:39pm

Anyone who wants to see Mitch in action can listen in here.

Comment by Mitch Sullivan on June 6, 2013 at 2:44pm

Animal, I don't understand what your complaining about.  When people don't do what you want them to do, you shout.  That's the show right there isn't it?  You know, the shouting.

Isn't that what you want?

Comment by Ryan Leary on June 6, 2013 at 3:45pm

Mitch I am with you on the sales pitch. I am not referring to Zao however. Overall I prefer shows that are informative on topics that have meaning. Not saying the animal does not have that... I am saying that overall I prefer discussion over sales.

Comment by Recruiting Animal on June 6, 2013 at 3:50pm

@Ryan, If you are interested in discussing employee referrals you're going to discuss ways to get them. And if someone has a specific way to get them you're going to discuss that. So I don't know how you can say you are interested in discussing employee referrals but not the methods to get them.

Mitch, I guess you can't stand looking in the mirror.

Comment by Mitch Sullivan on June 6, 2013 at 3:52pm


Comment by Stephen Nehez, Jr. on June 6, 2013 at 4:01pm

Wow.  This is like Facebook.


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