Do you "Like" It? Seriously, I Don't Care

In a world consumed by social media we often get consumed with "likes".  What in the world is our world coming to?  Please tell me!  I feel pretty comfortable in my own skin.  I have some great friends, an awesome family, a fantastic job and I feel pretty lucky.  Ladies and Gentlemen, let me tell you something.  We all are pretty lucky.  We may have had some ups and downs in our lives- things aren't always rosy.  We have all been given some sort of gift though and we should use them to the best of our abilities.  My gift probably isn't the same as yours and vice versa.

I am different from most in that I often stir the pot.  You may not "like" what I have to say.  At least though, I have provoked some sort of thought.  At least, I am honest.  At least I am ethical and I stand up for what I believe in.

Are you?  Do you know who you are?  When you recruit that candidate do they always like what you have to say?  They shouldn't.  They shouldn't like hearing "No", but at least you gave them an honest answer.  You may tell them another candidate got the job because they interviewed better.  That is okay also.  They may not "like" you.  

When you are on social media, I think people write things to please people.  I hope I haven't done that.  If I have then I have failed.  I wish there was a "Dislike" button or "Disagree" button because in reality, that is how the world works.  We don't like everything.  

Why do you recruit?  Why are you in HR? Do you want people to "like" you all the time?  If you are, you picked the wrong profession my friend.  There are some better occupations for you, but this is the wrong one.

Would you agree?  Thank goodness for the naysayers.  You know who you are.  

Views: 646

Comment by Mitch Sullivan on February 3, 2014 at 2:18am

You're welcome.

Comment by Will Thomson on February 3, 2014 at 8:53am

Hey Mitch,

Yes, you are one of the ones that like challenging people.  That is what makes this site great.  We can agree to disagree on many things and learn from one another.  Will

Comment by Recruiting Animal on February 3, 2014 at 10:30am

People are scared of you, Will. And, as for Mitch I heard he's had a behaviour issue since elementary school or whatever they call it in England.

Comment by Will Thomson on February 3, 2014 at 10:35am

That's funny Animal, I've been called a lot of things, but not scary.  Thanks for being one of the Naysayers- brings a new element to the recruitment industry and your voice is welcomed.  Making others stronger by challenging thoughts.  

Comment by Amy Ala Miller on February 3, 2014 at 1:16pm

Will, as much as it pains me to "like" this (haha) I agree! What really bugs me is those that won't engage when someone disagrees. I often will comment on posts I dislike, only to get silence from the original poster. Clearly not interested in a conversation I guess. Isn't that what the social crap is all about?

Comment by Will Thomson on February 3, 2014 at 1:31pm

Engage away Amy!  This social stuff is all about engagement.  Why else would we spend time writing this stuff.  BTW- damn Seahawks.  

Comment by Amy Ala Miller on February 3, 2014 at 2:26pm

every time I wear my Beast Mode t-shirt the Hawks win. For the SB, I wore the t-shirt, a "24" necklace, 12th Man socks, and my NFC Championship hat. Snacks included 12th Man wine (red and white) plus skittles. Apparently, I caused a blowout. :)

Remember it's only weird if it doesn't work lol

Comment by Sandra McCartt on February 3, 2014 at 2:38pm
Anybody who is scared of Will Thomoson is one of those sappy people who say things like, "was it good for you too".

Is a "neigh sayer" really just a horse's butt?
Comment by Will Thomson on February 3, 2014 at 3:13pm

Amy- I saw your pictures.  I guess your lucky socks pulled it off.  BTW- I am not an T A&M Aggie, but that is the real 12th man.  :)  

Sandra- You are right.  Scared of me is kind of ridiculous.  You know that.  I like it Neigh Sayer.  

Seriously though, the heart of all the issues with content these days is  Will you please be my friend.  Will you please like me?  Really!!??  

Comment by Derdiver on February 3, 2014 at 3:38pm

Meh. I live my life with one simple principal. I don't feel the need to impress you. YOU need to impress me. Simple. 


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