Engineer Recruiting Became Even More Difficult in 2014

On the back of a stellar jobs report unveiled last Friday, I was asked by a reporter for Hearst Publications to take a look at our data for engineering job advertisements in the final quarter of 2014 and to compare them to the final quarter of 2013.

Across the board, every engineering discipline saw a marked increase in the number of jobs advertised on any given day in the final quarter of 2014 vs 2013.  What makes this particularly insightful for this year's recruiting - the number of advertised jobs (and job seeker interest, in turn) tend to be lowest in the final quarter than at any other time of the year.  

The 5 Engineering Disciplines with the largest % increase in job ads were: 

  1. Geotechnical (+46.24%)
  2. Architectural (+34.88%)
  3. Solar (+27.17%)
  4. Civil (+26.70%)
  5. Aerospace (+26.55%)

The 5 Engineering Disciplines that added the greatest # of job ads were: 

  1. Software (+8,616)
  2. Systems (+4,154)
  3. Computer (+2,390)
  4. Civil (+2,070)
  5. Electrical (+1,416)

The big winner, of course, is Software Engineering. As a discipline they advertised 8,616 jobs on average every day in Q4 2014 than in Q4 2013. 

And if you're a member of a recruiting agency with heavy ties to the Energy industry - I don't need to tell you this - but the sole engineering discipline to post losses in the final quarter of last year compared to the year prior was Petroleum Engineering.

If you're invested in the full story or more graphs, data, and numbers on specific engineering disciplines, you can find it in our original "Engineering Jobs Report."

Views: 333

Comment by Ryan Leary on February 9, 2015 at 5:20pm

Great data - Thanks

Comment by Amanda Orson on February 9, 2015 at 5:28pm

So glad you like it and find it useful, Ryan!

Comment by Nishant K. on February 11, 2015 at 5:34am

Ya that is useful for comparing the percentage of job openings in near future. 

Comment by Nicholas Meyler on February 12, 2015 at 4:28pm

Fabulous work.

Comment by Amanda Orson on February 13, 2015 at 9:05am

Thanks, Nicholas. It takes a lot of time to compile the data for an ~ 800 word post. :)


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