The best interview tip I can give you is…botox?!?!

I must be losing my mind. I’ve recently read a comment by a job seeker who is considering botox injections in an attempt to gain a leg up during an interview. I think we can all agree that there are probably companies and work environments that still practice sexism, racism and age discrimination. If you are actively looking for a job, the question you need to ask yourself is, “Do I want to be a part of this type of environment?”

There is a growing market for personal branding and image consultants. And I understand the pros:

- Making a good first impression
- Dressing for success
- Using body language to get message across

I think we start going down an extremely dangerous path when job seekers feel comfortable getting (and employers start anticipating) these types of procedures: plastic surgery, botox injections, hair implants, as part of their interview preparedness.

- Should a woman feel compelled to have a sex change to get a job in a work environment dominated by men?
- What about someone from an Asian country having cosmetic blepharoplasty to change the shape of their eyes?
- Maybe African Americans should start having skin bleaching procedures done to fit into a work environment dominated by non-blacks.

These are all absolutely ridiculous levels for someone to “stoop to” for a job. You are in control of the direction your career heads. You decide which companies are a fit for you. You decide who you want to work for and who you don’t. Personally I want my career to be one that I can look back on and admire the accomplishments, marvel at surpassed hurdles and bask in the glory of a job/career well done. I would not be able to do this knowing that I had changed who I was on the outside (and ultimately by extension the inside) to just land a job. Think about it…

Views: 67

Comment by Duane Roberts on June 15, 2009 at 9:14pm
This is an awesome response! Thank you.


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