Ethics and Morals...Does it matter when starting an Agency?

After working years for an employment agency I realized that there is no personal connections between the client and agency. It just seemed to me that many times a client will give the agency a list of the qualities they need in a new worker and an agency just sorts through their file and pretty much "picks a name out of the hat" sort of say. Seeing many failures and no communication and personal connections I was not satisfied and decided to start an Agency of my own.

I have this great idea (it seems to me anyways and no one else) that during this recession a that I can help people and play a part in helping this economy. I have gone through great lengths to plan out my ideas. Then I realized that in a time such as these on of America's problems is that many people no longer has transportation to get to work and decided that I can provide people transportation to work as part of my agency agreement. This way it will elimate the "transportation" issue.

Currently I am finding out that many hiring managers do not even want to give me the time of day to let them know what services I can provide them. It makes me wonder did I begin this agency for the wrong reason. Have we gotten to a point where ethics, morals and beliefs are no longer valued in the recruiting field. How can I reach out to hiring managers and have them become interested and give me the time of day to at least let them know what I can do to help them?

Views: 212

Comment by Linda Kong on December 16, 2009 at 9:58pm
Siong Thank You so much for taking the time to answer. I will look up Mark Whitby and try to get training from his work. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones!
Comment by Siong Hee Chua on December 16, 2009 at 11:00pm
Wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and blessed new year 2010.
Comment by Siong Hee Chua on December 16, 2009 at 11:05pm
Ethics and Morals...Does it matter when starting an Agency?

I feel that whether we are operating a business or in a working environment, ethics and morals is always important. In addition, it is the respect for others.

A person's need to build the trust with both Clienteles and candidates in order to advanc in the business. To me, reputation of ones is very important and it is the only asset a person can have. A person might not have a degree or MBA, but with good reputation, it is still possible to gain trust and respect from peoples around.


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