Job searching is more than just looking for a place to work at. Nowadays, job searching became a real art with its own rules and exceptions. So if you are a graduate student or are just looking for a new job, make sure to stick to these rules. We promise they will help you master the knowledge of what you need to do to find the perfect job and not go crazy in the process.
Where to start when looking for a job?
You know how people say that the first impression is the most important one? Well, it truly is so. The first impression an employer will get about you is that you make with your resume. Your resume is what determines whether you seem to be the candidate a particular company is looking for and whether you will be invited for an interview.
An important rule about a resume is that it should only contain real information. Especially mind the part where you describe your additional skills and talents. On top of that, remember to add those work experiences that are most relevant to the position you are applying for. If you are a student and have never worked before, mention training and courses you have taken as well as student exchange programs and student projects you were involved in. Employers will be interested in learning that you are a proactive personality and have experience of working in a team, which is highly valued these days
If on the contrary, you have plenty of work experience, avoid going into details on each of them, as your employer will only spend 12 seconds looking at your resume. That is why you should impress your potential employers with relevant experience, awards and recommendations. You can even skip some positions you used to work at for the same reason.
Another thing to work on is a personalized cover letter you should attach to your resume. You can carefully tailor this letter and express your hopes and expectations about a certain position. It should be short but informative followed by polite formalities. Be formal in it; however, it depends on a position you apply for. So probably you will need to be more flexible about it.
10 other important rules for job searching
Once you get a resume carefully written, move on to job searching using our easy but vital rules for you.
Be proactive. Do not only send out your resumes but try following your favorite companies’ news in case there are openings you are willing to apply for. Sometimes companies do not post information about positions they have on popular job search websites. S in this case you need to be initiative and check their official websites to see if there might be something for you there.
Be brave. It is no good to only apply for jobs you meet all the requirements. Sometimes employers are more flexible than you think, and they might be looking for someone like you to work for them even if it is not what their ad says. It does not hurt to send your resume to them, so do not hesitate once you find them.
Be selective. A lot of young people, especially graduate students, believe that if they send out their resume to a hundred different companies it will increase their chances of getting a job. Unfortunately, it is not true. In reality, you need to make sure your resume indicates those work experiences and personal traits that particularly match this position. So you should rather take time to adapt your resume for positions you really want to get than sending them out in vain.
Be specific. Remember to introduce a potential employer to the area of your expertise. Do not be too abstract about it. They need to gain a better understanding of things you will be able to do and tasks you will have difficulties with.
Be smart. Head-hunters are interested in their candidates being experienced and talented. The smarter you look the higher your chances are to get the job. So in case you are invited for an interview, do not hesitate to share your experiences. Being shy will not pay you, so tell them everything you know and are capable of doing right away.
Be curious. An interview is a place where both you and an employer get to understand each other better. However, it is commonly believed that an interview is a place where you are asked. Make sure to show enough interest in the company. You will need some background knowledge about this place, but male sure that you leave the interview with a clear understanding of the job you will be in charge of as well as manager’s expectations.
Be specific. When you are asked to say real numbers you want to be paid at this position, give them real numbers. Make sure that you have provided them with a salary range you want to be paid; this range should start with a number you will be happy with to get for your job done, as it is likely that this is what a manager will offer you.
Be initiative. Do not be afraid to call or send a follow-up letter after an interview. Sure, some employers claim they have no time to talk to candidates, but you calling them will show that you are highly interested in getting this position.
Be patient. Even though it is okay to give a company a call after an interview, do not be too pushy. Making a final decision will take time, as if a position is attractive, you are not the only candidate for it, so they need to take everything into consideration.
Be hard-working. Once you get accepted, work as hard as you only can to gain an essential experience. Be initiative at work to climb the career ladder. You will use all this knowledge in the future.
So here are rules that we consider crucial for job searching. Let us know how they worked for you.
BIO: Sophia Clark is a creative writer from New York who loves to share her thoughts with readers. She is a tutor and a freelance writer for this blog, who is interested in education, blogging and sharing her ideas. In my free time she enjoys writing fiction as well as reading it. Her big dream is to publish a novel one day. Connect with her on Twitter and Google + or find her in other social media.
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