10 Resources to Boost Your Job Search Process

When you are looking for a job, every bit of assistance you can find helps immensely. Here are ten resources that you can use to make the job search process much more fruitful.

  1. GlassDoor.com

Glass Door is an excellent website to visit if you will be interviewing with a major corporation. You can read reviews of your potential new employer and see how the CEO is ranked by current and former employees. Glass Door is also a great resource if you want to learn about the culture of a particular company before you submit your resume, or accept an interview callback. If you are really curious, this website also provides information on salaries. Lucky visitors may even find interview questions that the hiring managers of a potential new employer ask, along with advice on how to answer those questions.

  1. LinkedIn

LinkedIn provides resources to job seekers that are practically limitless. First, it provides subscribers with the opportunity to create a professional profile and store their resume or CV. Then, users are able to make connections with previous employers, companies in their field, coworkers, former colleagues, friends, acquaintances, and others who have the potential to be valuable contacts. In addition to this, LinkedIn is rich in content providing valuable advice on everything from creating a resume to networking.

  1. Bureau of Labor Statistics

BLS.gov provides visitors with a wide variety of useful information about the jobs they are considering. Visit this website to learn about salary ranges, job growth, and the number of jobs in a particular field in your area. The site also offers resources for job seekers that includes where to find training and skills assessment tests.

  1. Smart Paper Help

A professionally written and beautifully designed resume is an extremely important thing to have as you look for a new job. When that is paired with a custom written cover letter, your chances of receiving a callback for an interview improve greatly. Smart Paper Help  is an internet based writing service that has an entire department with staff members focused solely on providing professionally written resumes and other career related documents at a reasonable price.

  1. Idealist.com

This is a job aggregating website that has been designed to serve those who seek jobs in the non profit sector. In addition to listing non profit jobs, the website also includes information on volunteer opportunities. Visitors should also take the time to surf around the website, there is some great blog content for job seekers looking for advice and support.

  1. PiktoChart.com

Pikto Chart is an online resource that you can use to turn your boring, text based resume into an infographic. This is an excellent way to show potential employers your creative side, and your talent for design. If you are looking for a job in the field of art and design, or simply want to create a resume that stands out in the crowd, this is an excellent resource.

  1. FlexJobs

If you are interested in freelancing or finding a job where you are allowed to telecommute every day, take some time to check out the FlexJobs website. There are other websites that aggregate freelance and telecommuting jobs, but few of them take the extra step of vetting job postings and ensuring that each position advertised is legitimate.

  1. Monster.com

Monster.com probably contains the largest listing of available jobs on the internet. In addition to this Monster also provides users with resume building tools, career advice, skills assessments, informative blog posts, and the opportunity to participate in community discussions.

  1. Evernote

A note taking app may not be the first item on your list when you think of resources that are valuable for job seekers. However, if you think about it, Evernote is an excellent tool. You can use it to take notes as you are researching employers, create reminders for following up with hiring managers, and store the names and contact information of potential references.

  1. WordPress

One of the best ways to get the attention of those in your field is to create a blog, and then begin writing useful posts relating to your field. If you are able to promote your blog and gain followers, you will eventually get the attention of hiring managers who may be interested in you. You can also link to your blog in your resume and your LinkedIn profile. This increases the chance of other people checking out your blog and witnessing your professional expertise and written communications skills.

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