4 reasons you won’t miss out on video interviewing anymore

Many of our customers chose to use video interviews in preselection in order to save time and money. They came for efficiency reasons and stayed, thanks to the many other benefits of video interviews. Below I present to you a few of these reasons: high volume recruiting, international recruitment, decentralised organisation and benefits for candidates. To get a more complete picture, I recommend our “white paper on video technology” where the different benefits of video interviewing for recruiting are explained in detail, including figures and best cases.


#1 Large number of vacancies

A deciding factor is the number of open positions. The more positions open, the more time critical preselection is. Using video in this step of the process can make things more efficient. As I mentioned in a previous article, I can prescreen more applicants when I use asynchronous video interviews instead of conventional telephone interviews. For example, in four hours a week, I can prescreen 24 applicants through video interviewing. In the same amount of time, when using telephone interviewing, I can only screen eight.

#2 Recruiting internationally

Of course, it all depends on the global distribution of positions. Where I would normally fly 4 international applicants for personal interviews, I can use video interviewing to assess the candidates and narrow the number of personal interviews to only 2. You can save money just by cutting down the number of personal interviews you make per year. (PS. That's how Bertelsmann, a major media group, managed to get the most promising applicants from around the world in a glimpse of time.)

#3 Decentralised organisation

Another factor is the organisation of HR and the coordination between different company locations and hiring departments. With video interviewing, a recruiter is in control of the recruiting process, however the hiring manager or head of department can access the shortlist of candidates within just a few clicks. Read our article on why hiring managers will love video interviewing.

#4 And what's in it for my candidates? A Lot.

There's a lot in it for your candidates: increased flexibility, a comparable and fairer hiring procedure, and shorter processing time. On top of that, candidates appreciate the opportunity to see their contact person in the welcome video, and have a glimpse at their future team. That's what makes a cool candidate experience!

Honestly, how else can a candidate get the first impression of their future supervisor and hear from them directly, which challenges the position brings, how the team is put together or what they want from an applicant?

Ps. If you are looking for an overview of the key benefits of video interviewing, we recommend this “white paper on video technology”. Everything you need is in there: 1. a detailed description of the various uses, 2. concrete best practices of companies like Microsoft or trivago, 3. tips on using asynchronous video interviews

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