4 Tips on Building a Talent Community for Facebook Recruitment

Creating a Facebook Career Page is a big step toward optimizing your social recruitment strategy, but what’s next? Now you need to build and engage the talent community that could potentially become your future hires. Here are 4 tips on building a talent community in order to optimize your Facebook recruitment strategy:

  1. Define your audience.You need to know who you are targeting as potential candidates to decide the best targeting approach.
  2. Utilize ads. A good way ti bring your desired audience to your Facebook page is by using ads and tailoring them to your target.
  3. Be engaging. Only posting job openings on your Facebook career page and nothing else will not bring candidates to your page. Users should be engaging with your page on a regular basis.
  4. Analyze. After you have engaged your audience, utilize Facebook Insights to see stats and better understand your community.

To read the full article which goes into greater detail for each tip and provides suggestions, visit: http://employers.identified.com/blog/bid/78813/4-Tips-on-Building-a...

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