Campus recruiting has been a hot topic for many years, in fact it's one of the hotttest topics debated at budget time for many large multinational corporations. It's a necessary eveil that you can compare to the NFL draft. It's really that important.
Recently, we held a #Tru Conference in the form of Campus Recruitment where we invited a panel of millennial students entering the job market. We wanted to get real views from real students on their likes, dislikes and of course their view on recruiters.
Here are a few snippets of one on one interviews with track leader Bill Boorman.
Watch the videos below.
What is #TruMunity?
#truMunity is The recruitment Unconference Community, and our events take place almost every week of the year, throughout the globe. Here are some of the many videos taken from some of the hundreds of events worldwide, which show what TRU events are all about.
Millennial Interviews with Bill Boorman
Jeanette Maister, U.S. Managing Director, WCN Campus Recruiting
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