Television, radio, print and all over the internet you are given advice, opinions, tactics and best strategies on how to be healthy, but have you used any of those practices to test your career fitness. Just as we prepare our bodies to compete or get into better shape we should also make sure you are strong and enduring in your career. If you have not already began your career workout there is no time like the present. So, where do you start
Set business or career goals that are both long and short term. When people start an exercise routine they make decisions about what part of their body they want to train or build upon. What type of workout do you want to pursue- group fitness, running, swimming or strength building? In business you should start with asking yourself questions too. Ask yourself the question that you were asked in high school…Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? Begin to plan your career to reflect what you want to achieve. If you are already well into your career your questions may be a little different. At what age do you want to retire? What job title would you like to retire from? Write down any goals, decisions or random thoughts you come up with. This can help you develop a career vision statement as described by University of California- Berkeley HR. You can always go back and change it until you determine your final career workout plan.
Use data to make informed decisions. Usually when a person decides to become physically fit or at least in better shape they will begin to read a lot of literature on weight loss, BMI, best foods to eat, popular types of workouts and many other topics that offer advice, research or anecdotes. This helps to gain knowledge about how they want to proceed with their workout, and not make ill-informed decisions. Your career should be given the same attention. If you are interviewing for a new job make sure that you effectively research the company and the hiring manager for the role you want. Do not see not getting a job offer or meeting a goal as a negative, but rather an area of improvement. Use honest and positive feedback as a way to improve and strengthen skills. Learn as much as you can about a potential employer. Knowing and understanding this information can be used to show how you can be an asset to a company. Research what deficits your current company may have. Use the information to create an opportunity where one may not be present.
“Your best workout is the one you don’t want to go to!” – Kendall Lambright. My husband and business partner constantly reminds our daughters and even me from time to time, that we should definitely complete our workout when we really don’t want to because then you tend to give it your all and then some. In business the same philosophy should be followed. When things seem to be going in a downward spiral at work or during your job search, smile at adversity. See it as a challenge that you are ready to face. Many of our clients will request sales candidates that were student-athletes. They feel that they will rise up and face a difficult task with the competitor spirit that they had while playing sports. In many cases this is true, but you can find this same essence in those who were not athletes. What it takes is a person who is willing to be their best and want to accomplish any task given to them. These are the successful people that get up early in the morning, stay current in their field and invest in themselves, career and networks.
Know your limits! While working out we have to learn our limits. Some people tend to underestimate what their bodies are capable of and do not push themselves, but what can be worst is those that overexert themselves. During your workout you can over use your muscles and ultimately injure yourself, not drink enough water and become dehydrated, workout everyday but never delete your poor food choices or push yourself to where the workout is not benefiting you but rather wearing you down. Remember everything should be done in moderation. Work included! Work-life balance is pivotal in becoming and staying business fit. As you are mindful to limit those empty calories to help support your new workout regimen, keep in mind that you should also limit the number of off hours you work, keep family first and learn to love what you do.
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