5 Best Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week 4.2.11 to 4.8.11

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing, social recruiting, mobile recruiting and anything else in the recruiting space. This week we’ll be talking about social media impact on referrals, recruitment fundamentals, customer buying habits of Talent Acquisition systems, social media & SEO, cover letter advice from a 6 year old and 41 recruiting tactics.


Here are the articles our that interested us this week (in no particular order), enjoy!:


Can Social Recruiting Dominate Employee Referrals by Omowale Casselle (@mysensay)

Great post on the future of using social tools to enhance Employee Referral Programs.


The Return to Recruitment Fundamentals by Joe Zeinieh (@ZGeneration)

New recruiting initiatives are nothing without the base fundamentals to back them up.  Really nice article on aspects of recruiting you should re-visit.


Study: Half of Organizations Say They will Switch Talent Acquisitio... by John Hollon (@johnhollon) (@TLNT_com)

Very interesting study on organization buying habits in the Talent Acquisition marketplace.  Also some great stats on Mobile, Video and Social Network.


4 Reasons your Boss should care about social media for SEO by Crispin Sheridan (@CrispinSheridan)

Social Media is and will become a bigger part of the Google Search algorithm.  It’s important to start thinking about your company’s and recruiting organization’s social strategy.


A 6 year old’s kick butt cover letter by Steve Boese (@SteveBoese)

Great article on what we can learn from a 6 year old on the essentials of a great cover letter.


Bonus: 41 Advanced Recruiting Approaches…You have never heard of by Dr. John Sullivan (@DrJohnSullivan)

Nice list of recruiting tactics that you might want to implement into your recruiting strategy.


Hope you enjoy the list.  If you have any articles I should add to the list feel free to add them to the comments or send me an email at chris@smashfly.com or follow us on Twitter @smashfly.


Originally posted on the SmashFly Recruitment Technology Blog.

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