5 Best Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week 2.2.13 to 2.8.13

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing, social recruiting and anything else in the recruiting space. In this article, we’ll be talking about social recruiting, candidate experience, identifying talent, building trust and talent pipelines.

Also, here is John Sumser’s list of 5 Links since he usually gets it out before me.

Here are the articles that interested us this week (in no particular order), enjoy!:


Social Recruiting Questions by Heather Bussing (@heatherbussing)

Nice conversation recap on some main issues and questions facing social recruiting.  Also encourage you to check out John Sumser’s post and presentation.


2012 Candidate Experience Awards Results White Paper by The Talent Board (@theCandes)

The 2012 CandE’s Awards findings are now available.  There is some great data and takeaways on the candidate experience from last year’s participating companies.


Don’t Fill the Role, Hire the Talent by Jeff Moore (@JeffreyTMoore)

Great concise post on identifying the right candidates in your recruiting efforts.


9 Ways to Lose the Trust of your Audience by Barry Feldman (@FeldmanCreative)

Good post to keep in mind as you build your recruitment communication, social recruiting and Talent Network strategies.


How to Build a Talent Pipeline to Dramatically Reducing your Cost P... by Jessica Miller-Merrill (@blogging4jobs)

Nice overview post on how to successfully build out Talent Pipelines.


Hope you enjoy the list.  If you have any articles I should add to the list feel free to add them to the comments or follow us on Twitter @smashfly.

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