5 Best Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week 4.14.12 to 4.20.12

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing, social recruiting and anything else in the recruiting space. In this article, we’ll be talking about Moneyball & recruiting, corporate culture at Rackspace, mobile, Sodexo, the importance of content and creating targeted content.


Here are the articles our that interested us this week (in no particular order), enjoy!:


Why the WSJ is Dead Wrong about Moneyball by Dwane Lay (@DwaneLay)

Love this post by Dwane on the latest WSJ article and the true message you should be taking from Moneyball.


You love your job, huh? Why I can’t believe you by Jason Lauritsen (@JasonLauritsen)

Jason talks about his experience with Rackspace employees and its inspiring corporate culture.  Not without some skepticism.


Embracing Mobile, Evolving Technology & Generation C by Autumn McReynolds (@AutumnMcrey) (@blogging4jobs)

Nice article by Autumn on Mobile and why its important to connect with the next generation of job seekers.


Content is King by Ed Newman (@newmaed)

Ed shares his views on content and why it will increasingly important as we try to recruit top talent.


How Sodexo views recruiting and retention in the age of social media by Cyndy Trivella (@CyndyTrivella) (@Arie_Ball)

Another great interview with Arie Ball at Sodexo and what they are doing with social recruiting and content generation.


Is your social media content being read? No? Check the context first  by Andy Headworth (@AndyHeadworth) (@Adam_Templeman)

Andy shares a presentation by Adam on the need to create targeted content.

Hope you enjoy the list.  If you have any articles I should add to the list feel free to add them to the comments or follow us on Twitter @smashfly.

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