5 Best Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week 5.18.13 to 5.24.13

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing, social recruiting and anything else in the recruiting space. In this article, we’ll be talking about recruiter / candidate relationship, candidate experience, job fit, getting a job and sourcing on LinkedIn.

Before we get to the articles, I have a quick reminder.  The Candidate Experience Awards have started accepting applications for this year’s awards and is a great way to benchmark your candidate experience against some of the industry’s best recruiting organizations.   To get further details on how to participate as a recruiting organization, please see the “How to Apply?” page on the website.

Now on to the articles.  Here are the articles that interested us this week (in no particular order), enjoy!:


Setting Expectations: Recruiters as Constant Career Companions by Tom Bolt (@TomBolt)

Great post by Tom on what the relationship between a recruiter and candidate should be.


Positive Candidate Experience is a Competitive Advantage by Elaine Orler (@ElaineOrler)

Nice piece on the importance of the candidate experience and it’s business impact.


Why You Can’t Get a Job…Recruiting Explained by the Numbers by Dr. John Sullivan (@DrJohnSullivan)

Comprehensive post on what candidates should do to improve their chances of getting an interview and a job.  Definitely worth sharing with candidates.


The #1 Cause of Bad Hires by Tim Sackett (@TimSackett)

Tim thoughts on the importance of job fit when hiring the right candidate.


Sourcing Hacks to View 3rd Degree and Out of Network Profiles on Li... by Shane Bowen (@ShaneABowen)

I love to include functional posts when I can and here is a really useful walk-through for recruiters that utilize LinkedIn to source.


Hope you enjoy the list and see you on Twitter @smashfly.

Views: 144


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