5 Key Candidate Experience Statistics: 2020 CandE Research

The latest CandE research is here!

The latest annual Candidate Experience (CandE) Benchmark Research Report published by Talent Board is finally here! 

Each year, this non-profit research organization surveys hundreds of thousands of candidates from all around the world to get fresh insights into the minds of today’s candidates.

This year, Talent Board has asked more than 195,000 candidates about their experiences of applying for jobs at 175 big and small companies across industries.

Read on to learn what they’ve found out! 

5 key candidate experience statistics 

Here are the top 5 candidate experience statistics form the latest CandE research: 

Candidate experience statistic #1 

Only 25% of all job candidates rated their candidate experience as great.

Candidate experience statistic #2

Candidate resentment has increased by 40% in North America since 2016.

Candidate experience statistic #3

The candidate experience improves by 148% when candidates are asked for interview feedback.

Candidate experience statistic #4

The candidate experience improves by 168% if an employer makes the offer within one week of the final interview.

Candidate experience statistic #5

The candidate experience improves by 29% if you reject candidates over the phone as opposed to email or text message. 

Key takeaways from the latest candE research

According to the latest global candidate experience research, the state of candidate experience in 2020 is not satisfactory. Most employers are not fulfilling candidates’ (high) expectations. 

In a time when the war for talent is raging, providing a great candidate experience is the key to securing top talent for your company. 

3 simple tips for improving your candidate experience

So what can you do to improve your candidates’ experience in your hiring process?

Tip 1: Provide candidates with interview feedback.

Tip 2: Hurry up with your job offer!

Tip 3: Reject candidates over the phone. 

➡️If you’re looking for more tips on improving your candidate experience, check out these actionable Recruiting hacks for improving your candidate experience!

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