Receiving an interview call from your dream company certainly feels like a big achievement. You firmly believe to be an ideal fit for the organization, considering your experience and knowledge. The employer, however, will not know about your capabilities unless you come out as an outstanding candidate during the interview. So, how can you ensure that you ace the interview? In this blog post, we discuss five simple ways to boost your chances. Read on.
1. Research About the Company
If this is the place where you always wanted to work, the probability is high that you will already have some basic knowledge about the company. Most likely, the interviewer will ask “what do you know about the company”; so, make sure that you have a clear answer to the question.
2. Pay Attention to Your Attire
The colors of the clothes you wear make a distinct impression on the employer. Wearing blue gives the hint that the candidate is a team player; grey and black outfits are related to logical and analytical thinking; white gives an impression of the candidate being organized; red is a symbol of power, and yellow, green, orange and purple represent creativity.
3. Tell Your Story
The art of storytelling evokes empathic emotions and could make the employer like you more. If you have the experience of leading projects, speak about how the project started, the challenges your team faced and how you came up with a successful strategy.
4. Be Curious
Instead of talking too much, ask open-ended questions that are related to what the interviewer told during the discussion. Show interest in the job profile for which are you are being interviewed and try to find a common ground with the interviewer.
5. Ask Questions
The minute your interviewer asks if there’s anything that you want to know more about the organization, be sure to not miss the opportunity. Many candidates struggle to think about the right questions, so prepare yourself in advance as this is the time to impress them. Ask questions related to expectations of the employer from you in the first 2-3 months or the culture of the company.
When you want to crack that big interview, be ready to think fast and act smart. Try to look and sound comfortable when interacting with the interviewer, and things will fall into place. Do not just pay attention to your body language, mirror the body language of the interviewer - if possible. Keeping these five tips in mind will definitely help you in scoring high in the interview and getting your dream job.
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