Sometimes life as an Intern is hard.
However, as we approach Thanksgiving it seems like a good time to write down a few ideas on why interns – a growing percentage of the
workforce – could be thankful for as they dutifully fulfill their intern
From the intern perspective (and with tongue firmly in cheek) YouTern presents…
50 Reasons to Be Inspired as an Intern
- Not needing an excuse to watch “The World’s Most Interesting Intern” videos
- Filling out your fantasy football team while doing “marketing research”
- Watching the boss do a spit-take as he sees you’ve used “f^*k” in a blog
- Watching the clown-intern walk down the hallway just behind the boss, doing a perfect impression of the boss
- Watching the Boomers give you the “I-don’t-get-it” look when you assume a martial arts pose and say “Qwid Pro Qwoh Motha F…”
Respect and Recognition
- Where everyone knows your name… (“Hey, Intern!”)
- The opportunity to surpass “Hey, Intern” with instant name recognition (if you’re Monica Lewinsky or Stephanie Birkitt)
- Celebrity status when leadership introduces the interns at the quarterly staff meeting (and others offer suck-up applause)
- Genuine rock star status when your office mates fall in love with games on your iPhone (which they may have never seen before)
- Becoming the default office IT guy; “Hey, Intern… get in here, you ‘get’ all this stuff!”
Managing Up
- Learning early in your career how to manage up, because your intern-boss is a doof
- Your teaching skills are accelerated because you need to teach the “more experienced” staff Microsoft Office basics (or the computer in
- Coming up with the best idea in a brainstorming session (mentor taking full credit)
- Witnessing effective corporate brown-nosing by other interns (laughing at bad jokes, volunteering for coffee runs, and much more)
- Keeping your composure when the $150 per hour consultant gives a 2-hour “Introduction to Social Media” presentation (that you would have
done in 30 minutes for a burger ‘n fries)
Reverse Mentorship
- Explaining terms like “Web 2.0”, “Freemium”, Tweeps” and “Hashtag” with a straight face
- Fake laughing every time your Boomer co-worker from the 60’s cracks up at the term “Hashtag”
- Explaining “h-t-t-p-colon-backslash-no, backslash-another backslash, yes, one more…”
- Googling “The Jetson’s” to find out why the old folks keep saying Skype is “…just like the Jetson’s”
- “Yes, my friends on Facebook are real friends, and yes, I have 1,512 of them”
Perks, Compensation and Benefits
- Getting your coffee, while getting their coffee
- For the third time this week, “forgetting” to give change back to the coffee buyer (gas money!)
- After company meetings are over, everyone tells you to take home the leftover pizza, wings & soda (free food!)
- A hot date (I mean, um, business lunch) with the other hot girl/guy intern who doesn’t know the city too well
- Guilt-ridden for the lack of pay, the office manager urges you to take pens, a notebook, stapler and printer paper as compensation (free
back to school supplies!)
- Internship comes with a workout (hiking to the office from the farthest possible parking spot)
- You get an extra long lunch every day (because your boss and everyone else is “at a meeting”)
- You enjoy your Ramen as your boss walks in from that $100 Sushi and Saki lunch “meeting”
- Mid-day naps are tolerated because the “virtual office” (aka your dorm room) comes with a bed
- Invoking sarcasm when you explain to your mentor that you assumed the work was as “virtual” as the paycheck, so… no, the work is not done
Diversity and Tolerance
- Repeat after me: “No, the tattoo didn’t hurt”
- Repeat after me: “The piercing, well, I don’t remember…”
- Coming up with a politically correct answer to “Why do you all think you’re entitled?”
- The constant reminder of how “lucky” you are because the Boomers in your office “didn’t have all this technology – we had to work!”
- Smiling when asked: “You closed that deal by… texting??”
Family and Friends
- Explaining to your parents that you’ve taken your hard earned degree, and are working – for free
- Explaining to your parents that you’ve taken your hard earned degree, and are working in something called “Social Media” – for free
- Making fun of your friends who are flipping burgers and delivering pizzas, while you work for a “real company” – for free
- Explaining to your grandparents that your online friends are not called “TwitterFaces”
- Explaining the benefits of a long-term unpaid internship to your landlord, who still doesn’t tolerate unpaid rent
Soft Skills
- Working without supervision, because your “mentor” is late (again) or, if virtual, because your “mentor” forgot you existed (again)
- Learning how to overcome writers block after being asked to blog about your experience
- Learning time management (when your boss gives you his “next day” project 15 minutes before you leave for the day)
- Learning stress management (when you play Kinect until 2AM – and still need to get your intern assignment done)
- Learning vintage technology, and saving minutes on your cell phone, by using the office landline
Motivation and Passion
- Development of a fallback career (if your fallback is Admin or a Domestic God/Goddess, as you have certainly learned to take care of and
clean up after others)
- Motivation to buy a reliable car (the free bus and train passes are cool, until you find yourself an hour late for work every day)
- Having something to live for as you plot the death of the “intern broker” that took $7,000, then sent you to Shanghai for 10 weeks
- School credit! (that costs you up to $1,000 per credit)
- They’re going to hire you after these 10 hell weeks are over… right?
Please let us know what we missed via Twitter: @YouTern
Happy Thanksgiving!
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