1. Give Testimonials
When you purchase a product or service and it exceeds your
expectations e-mail the business a testimonial. Tell them in the
testimonial the benefits you got from the product or service.
Give them permission to publish the testimonial on the web site
if they include your sig file at the end.

2. Leave A Message
When you visit a web site with a discussion board leave a
message. You could post a question, interesting content or a
compliment about their web site. Include your signature file at
the end of the message. Some discussion boards let you post
your banner ad or text link.

3. Sign Guest Books
When you visit a well designed web site leave a compliment on
their guest book. You could give them a compliment on their
content, ease of navigation, graphics etc. When you post your
compliment include your sig file so other people will see it
when they sign the guest book.

4. Write A Review
When you visit a web site you enjoyed a lot write a review
for the web site Write about the benefits you gain from the
site, the web site design, interesting online services it offers
etc. E-mail the review to the web site. Tell them they can
publish it on their web site if they include your resource box
at the end.

5. Send An E-mail To The Editor
When you read a good article or enjoy a certain e-zine, e-mail
a compliment to the editor. Give the editor permission to
publish the compliment in their e-zine if they include your
signature file at the end. The editor may post it on his or her
web site.

Thank You,
LisaSimpkins~BBS Global

Views: 65

Comment by Lisa Simpkins on April 24, 2008 at 8:11pm
Hi Maren,
Thank you I am happy to help.You have a very impressive profile I enjoyed reading it very much.
You seem to be very intelligent and very organized I admire that and hope to become good friend.
Have a great day & stay in touch!
Warm Regards,
LisaSimpkins~BBS Global
Comment by Sarah on October 30, 2008 at 4:00pm
Great article Lisa. I try to leave comments on all blogs I read, and signing guestbooks.

By the way, I see you all around the web on other social networking sites.
See you again soon I'm sure.


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