Tips on How to Work Well With Recruiters

Sarah Needleman wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal on May 6, 2008 giving tips on how to properly work with executive recruiters. I have summarized the bullet points, most of which were given by Danny Cahill of According to Danny. For the full article please go here.

Generally speaking, I agree with most of these points as they relate to a specific “job search” which I define as follows - a candidates gets out of bed, decides to make a job change, updates resume, goes on interviews, considers offers, accepts one. From this perspective, follow these points and you can’t go wrong. Although job changes sometimes work like that, in today’s market it’s common for a top candidate to evaluate opportunities as they come to them instead of only during a “job search”. Given this dynamic, I would add the tip that you should choose one or two recruiters that a work specifically within your marketplace, and utilize them as your career counselor or your own personal jerry mcguire. Tell them about your ideal next role and what it will take to get you to make a move. The good recruiters should only present you with opportunities that meet your criteria, thereby allowing your dream opportunities to come to you vs. you needing to go out and look for them yourself.

To read the tips please visit

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