Job Interview Practice, Practice, Practice: Be A Hire has re-launched as a free online Job Interview Practice Tool for job seekers and candidates-with a video twist. As the “Our Story” explains, it was actually created as a way to help my daughter prepare for face-to-face job interviews— without nagging her—by using video. The community was launched to help job seekers practice their job interview questions, answers and presentation skills when they want it and need it the most…before their actual face-to-face employment interview. They receive tips and feedback from the community to calm their job interview jitters and ultimately ace their interview. Also, if you are a career coach or recruiter feel free to invite your candidates to upload their videos so that you can give them useful feedback and help them get ready for face-to-face interviews. You can select to make your coaching ‘private’. If you or someone you know is an expert in careers, recruitment, or staffing please sign up as a ‘JobNobber’ and help job seekers with your expertise. If nothing else, it’s good Karma.

Sending you Love, Happiness and Success from the realm~RLP

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