Yes, being unemployed creates a different set of rules in which you should manage your job search, and lets be clear it is the candidate who needs to take ownership and run the show. Steps include:

  • Assess and understand your skills in the market place and your flexibility (see blog: decision making 101)
  • Create your first draft of your resume
  • Call a recruiter that you know and trust (if you don’t know one call your friends for referrals)…work with recruiter to create final draft of your resume.
  • Look at all options whether it’s through the internet, a recruiter or networking with friends. It doesn’t matter as long as you are open with the recruiter about their ability to help you and what options you have – being open and honest is of the utmost importance.
  • Interview on everything that fits the search parameters and understand that decisions to end the search only happen when offers are in your hand.
  • Be upfront with hiring companies in the interview about your process and other job prospects as it will save you hassles down the road should you receive multiple offers and need to put a potential employer on hold until your process is complete.
  • Don’t rush the process. Yes you are unemployed and may be feeling some financial/emotional strain, but to take a job prior to completing all the interview processes will lead to you either take a lesser job simply to be employed or to leave that job shortly after when the next job came through. Neither is ideal so if it’s possible wait to make the decision.

Of course this is the short list of things to keep in mind should you be negatively impacted by a restructuring, downsizing or outsourcing at your company, but if you can remember these things hopefully you’ll be able to maneuver through this process with a good result.

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