Available Speaker, “Getting Linkedin - Building Passive Talent Relationships” At An Event Near You

By Dave Mendoza, Master Cybersleuth, An Affiliate Partner of JobMachine,Inc.

Interested in sharing Best Practices? After developing a network fast approaching 8,500 on Linkedin, I wanted to take this opportunity to contribute and reflect upon my personal experiences developing passive talent relationships. I am available for speaking engagements to contribute “Getting Linkedin - Building Passive Talent Relationships” at a SHRM, EMA, TRN, etc. event near you.

To learn more and schedule an event, call me directly at (720) 733-2022 or by email, ldavemendoza @gmail.com


LinkedIn is a very powerful tool but most recruiters do not use it to its full potential. Take your LinkedIn to the next level with this power-user session from Dave Mendoza, Master Cybersleuth, among the top connecters on LinkedIn. Keywords searches yield limited results, and 2nd or 3rd degree contacts are difficult to contact. Learn how to find fresh and hidden passive talent leads outside of your network reach. You will also go beyond just searching for users and learn how to build your network so you can see more free contacts than ever before. After this hands-on course you will have an increased network size, a higher network rank, and you will know how to most efficiently use LinkedIn so you don’t get bogged down in administrivia. Learn how to:

* Apply the most advanced search techniques and shortcuts
* Develop a deep network of passive candidates
* Increase you personal brand visibility & influence
* Improve your presence in search results

I look forward to sharing your Linkedin stories and answering your questions based upon my personal experiences.

To learn more and schedule an event, call me directly at (720) 733-2022 or by email, ldavemendoza @gmail.com

View my profile on RecruitingBlogs.com

LinkedIn | Bio | MSN | Skype

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