You may be interested in a new site I was introduced to called Blue Chip Expert. They have a community concept called Million Ready Minds, and the premise of Million Ready Minds is that a great many professionals are frustrated in their inability to find project work that maximizes their skills, whether for organizations or charitable causes. Million Ready Minds offers a place where people can go to share ideas, connect with like minded people, offer mentoring to others, and importantly be found by companies and charities through the Blue Chip Expert marketplace. Have a look at:

Here is a sample from the Million Ready Minds community manifesto:

From Success to Significance:

A common conversation for the baby boom generation today weaves between concerns of long-term financial security to concerns about the future of the planet, and what will be the baby boom generation's ecologic legacy. This conversation is at the essence of people who have left the mainstream workforce. They ask, "How can I extend my personal work life success, while at the same time leveraging that success with charities to give me a feeling bigger than success, the feeling of significance?"

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