What's up in finance today my friends? Why can't a Recruiter find a good Tax Professional? Are they buried in numbers and afraid to come out? Do they find social networking boring? Could it kill them to post an occassional resume out there?
Maybe its just that no one wants to move to Florida, we have fun here, really... I am throwing out the white flag. I'll clean them up, make sure their ear hairs are shaved and eye brow hairs get trimmed.

Have a lovely month my chums!


Views: 50

Comment by Maureen Sharib on July 19, 2008 at 12:02pm
Christine, you have to find them where you can find them - sitting inside the regional offices of the Big Four and the second and third tier firms. It's not that hard but you have to look inside their four walls to get them to come out and play with you - they will too. Many at the Big Four are overworked and stressed out and just waiting for someone like you to come along!

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