"Relative to When this Major Competitive Move [Recruiting/Talent Acq] Hit the Market, When Did You Learn About It?"

I thought it might be worthwhile to share the following chart with everyone at RBC. If you think about this chart, it's more about game theory and competitive response than anything else . . . so my question is, what if you focused purely on the 'innovation' element relative to recruiting or talent acquisition?

How would that change the responses here? My take is that most competitors are not keeping tabs on competitors relative to their 'plays' or 'moves' to improve their relative position within 'shared' (meaning important to the set of competition) critical talent markets.

So while many responses may fall in different areas, I think the 'actual' data would show that competitors only adjust "after innovation change had been in the market long enough to affect our company's performance". For example, ever see an organization scurry to form a Strategic Sourcing unit after they realize they're beginning to lose battles they used to have a shot at winning?

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