At any stage in one's career it is essential to have a mentor.
Research shows that a mentor is critical in successfully understanding job search timelines, interview techniques and salary negotiations when students are launching their first job search,” said Sharon Strange-Lewis, managing director the Office of Career Management at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business.
What is the recruiter actually doing?
Developing Relationship With the Client
The recruiter has already worked with the client, Employer A, to understand the available position. The recruiter is having his/her own type of interview to determine what responsibilities will be involed in the position and then what desirable traits the candidates for the position should have. It is in your best interest to have someone represent you who is also closely working on the client side.
We are meeting with the client gaining a sense of who's who in the company and what the culture is. The other issue the recruiter should have done is researched the company to make certain of its industry and financial position.
A good attorney search consultant will help communicate your values, and unique attributes on a resume.
Before meeting with a recruiter you should consider your current situtation. (The more information you provide, the easier it is for the the search consultant to work methodically and target the right position for you)
What went right and what went wrong in your last job before diving into a new one. Did you manage your time well? Did you work effectively with support staff? Did you feel you needed more of a support staff? Did you spend the proper amount of time specific tasks? What kind of work do you enjoy? What skills would you like to hone?
Feel free to contact me with any questions.