The calls and emails have been coming in; the voices imperceptively waiver: The recruiters are nervous. Corporate leaders and naifs are looking out their windows, some even waiting for the call to come. Third party firms are wondering where the callbacks are. Who is Satan and who is the Saviour?

Satan is real and you are the Saviour but you don't know this yet. Satan wants you to be afraid; he wants to cull the herd. Don't let him scare you.

Push for long term planning; get away from your desk and meet them. Anywhere. Anytime. Anyplace. The good ones always need places to meet; offer your company's plushest room and offer victuals and drinks. Don't forget the shwag. Business cards? Forget them - pocket stuffers. Do better.

They're more than just a resume; they're flesh and blood and intellect and emotion. Do you know when they celebrate their birthday? Do you send them cards? Is your CEO truly engaged: Are there monthly meetings with outside HIPOs? Will your CEO make a call?

It doesn't have to be End of Days; but it will if you don't plan and attack.

Views: 47

Comment by Slouch on October 6, 2008 at 11:39am
good post
Comment by Maureen Sharib on October 6, 2008 at 12:30pm
Love this Steve. I remember yay back when - you extended your hand to me when I first arrived on ERE, neophyte status. You were a shaman sage then and you're a shaman sage now.
Comment by Steve Levy on October 6, 2008 at 12:58pm
Mo, perhaps more people will discover the power of the phone, the delight of the relationship. Welcome back, old school. Satan hates education...


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